Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Undergraduate degree

4 Benefits of Completing Your Undergraduate Degree

There are a lot of challenges in this reality society. This happen especially in the job market. With the advance in the technology world that close the gap between location forming global village, talents flow to everywhere that provide higher remunerate for their services. A degree certificate becomes ultimately important to everybody for their better future.

When you enter job market and attend first interview after graduate, the first requirement for company to employ is your certificate. A degree certificate becomes a stepping stone to access to desired company, and the key to your future success. Since you have no past experience for interviewer to judge you, degree certificate and its grade become the only thing interviewer access you.

Below list down 5 benefits for obtain a degree certificate that may motivate you to complete your education:

1.            Higher employment opportunity

The research study revealed that degree certificate graduates have better employment opportunity to the job market with shorter time to get their job. Even if they are laid off during market down, they will have able to find another job easier than their peer who does not complete undergraduate degree.

2.            Better confidence

The research also revealed that degree certificate graduates are more confidence and well equipped with capability to facing tough challenges when the time comes. They are confidence to demonstrate themselves and communicate to other people and satisfy to whatever they have done, finding the value of the job nature.

3.            Better job offer

When someone graduates with a bachelor degree certificate, he wills quality for more job opportunities from different sectors, and multinational company MNC in the job market. He can requests for better return from their job scope and better prospects within the organization.

      4. New network of friends

The connections you make when you are study for undergraduate degree can have significant impacts on your lives and future. In the future, your undergraduate degree friend might help you to access to other big company or may be help you in your business venture or other career path. All the friends can be connected via Facebook,  Linked-In, and other social networks. It can also enrich your life and expand the knowledge horizon when each other meet together and share their individual experience and knowledge.

Since these all benefits are for the reasons of building better life and future for individual and family, we should take it as an obligation to complete undergraduate degree to promise a better life for the future. Although it may be tough and pressure at the time of exam, the campus life is enjoying and full of memories.

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